Thursday, July 5, 2007

Travel & Living Special......[by Tejesh]

I have become a great fan of Travel & Living channel i am very much interested in knowing different cultures, places, cuisines etc etc.......... Its a great media through which you can know more about this world and different kinds of people living in it........

Now i would like to tell you about my favorite program in thechannel............"Floyd's India"..... Floyd is a world famous chef ......known for his extensive collection of cuisines....... he is aged around 55 and traveled most of his life collecting recipes from different places........ its a 3 month 12 episode which each episode is concentrated on one state and its exclusive cuisine..........

Floyd has covered variety of cuisines like...........Sweet Bengali dishes, Spicy Andhra biryani, TNs Chettinadu chicken, Keralas Coconut cuisines, Rajasthan's red chilli curries, Goas Western mix ,Punjabi Tandooris etc........
Floyd cooks these dishes on the roads besides,all the ingredients are freshly bought from market........and there will be ppl around him curiously watching..........and he does all these while drinking chilled beer.......... In Kerala he cooked in a fisherman's port on the kovalam beach........

I cant understand the intention of his explanation of Indian currys..........he praises the ordinary dishes of our household as some thing extraordinary.......... It might be to increase the viewer ratings..........or may be gain interest of the Indian population worldwide ........ or is it really Indian dishes so extra ordinary........... or is it the American way of expressing desi things..........[ i remember one incident in our office regarding PM in our office explained one snack to Japanese clients as "mix veg curry stuffed in wheat flour and baked...."guess what it is............samosa.....:))))]

I will share some extraordinary explanations of his...........

"Ladies fingers deeply fried with a touching of Coconut, Curry leaves for garnish..................." - Bendakaya Vepudu(in Achamaina Telugu)..... "Dal curry with _________ leaves for taste......." - Gongura Pappu "Chicken cooked with Red hod Indian onions and Chettinadu masala" - Chettinadu chicken "This Gharam masala has more ingredients than feathers in a shuttle to get is to buy from nearby Asian market (Targeting American Indians)" - he meant to say more than 16 species are grinded to get this masala!!!! "Indian chicken barbeque".......chicken kabab fried in the mud pot.....punjabi style....... "Well baked chicken in tomato sauce and butter for garnish".....chicken tikka masala....... "The best and hottest snack i have ever eaten........" - Chilli bajji "Indian dish cooked desi way (using ghee,butter,cashews) has more fat content than a 16 course dinner in an American restaurant!!!!" "This is not advisable for light hearted ppl as its too rich.........." - while doing butter chicken....... "I have never even dreamt that curd can be used this extensively......." - saying abt dahi varieties in Delhi episode.......

now the most interesting one........ have any one of you ever tried to find out what the green pickle which we get with tandoori items is made is the recipe.....
Grind Mint leaves, Coriander leaves and green chilli........ add a fresh juice mix of lemon and apple.......thats it!!! this is described as "Best Complementary touching dish to any Barbecue in the world!!!!"
His last words in the Last episode................"Indian Cuisine is more in Number and Variety than the Number and Variety of sex poses in Kamasutra!!!!"

May be because of my inexperience in writing...........this article is not much interesting..........(pls bare this novice....i assure to improve with time) but the show was very interesting, informative and mouth-watering..............

Finally what ever may be his intention...............i have understood one thing...........we have not even tasted one tenth of India's wide variety cuisine.......... So i have decided to visit all the states in my lifetime (if not all.....atleast bigger ones in mainland) and enjoy the local varieties rather than sticking to the same friedrices or noodles........

ok frens after writing all this my mouth is i am going, to have a dahi poori...................bye!!!!

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